giovedì 5 aprile 2007

My Incredibly Shrinking Boobs

I feel it necessary to tell you about my shrinking boobs because...well, it wouldn't be happening if I weren't in Italy and this blog is about everything happening in Italy!

So...about a week ago, hopping out of the shower (and yes, I really hopped because I am still beyond ecstatic about my hot showers!)...anyway, got out and noticed that my boobs had shrunk!...and not just gotten smaller, but dropped and deflated! I stood there in disbelief, totally bummed and confused...I wondered what the hell was wrong!?...was this a side effect of too much of the "P's"...that is pasta, pizza, paninos??? A side effect of too much gelato or espresso??

Well, all I know is that I miss my perky, good-sized, B cup boobs...okay, so I didn't have volumptuos breasts, but...they were perfect for me! And because I was genuinely concerned because they weren't just smaller, but deflated, I had to seek the wisdom of all of my medical-minded friends. I emailed Julia the acupuncturist, Cathy the herbalist, Amy the naturopath doc and Jesse the plastic surgeon.

It turns out this phenomenon IS caused by food -- not what I am eating, but what I am not eating. I have lost weight, but only about 5 pounds (sidenote: Eating as much pasta as I want and cookies is doable because I walk everywhere!), but I am not eating enough things that have affect on my hormones -- meats, soy...which effect my boob size I guess...that's how I understand it I guess.

So, there you have it, I am happy to share this bit of info with you...
Desperately seeking perky boobs,

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