venerdì 6 aprile 2007

Plans after Italy

I have received a handful of emails from friends and family asking and wondering about my plans after Italy. Well, my friends, that's a damn good question.

Okay, seriously, I have many thoughts and options...this is a good thing. Some have even asked if I am returning to Santa Barbara. Well, my initial thought and answer to that is "Of course I am Silly, where else would I go or where else would I want to be?" My life is in Santa Barbara, many of my friends are there and SB is where I want to work and live. SB is my favorite place in the whole world:) I have such wonderful, insightful and intuitive friends...I'm wondering if something in my words tells you that I will be elsewhere?

I ask this because I want to go back to SB...chances are that's exactly what will happen, but I have so many thoughts running through my head about what I could do. So...the thing is...well, money of course...I have sold everything, spent everything and have no job...I quickly need to find a job when I get home, but the good option is that because I was laid off my job several months ago, I can still use my unemployment to help me get started again. I'm resourceful too...I think you all know this:)

I was thinking perhaps I would go to Maui for a few months to work in a spa as an esthetician. I did have a phone interview with Mandara Spa about 3 weeks ago. I also got an esthetician job offer at a new spa in Napa which specializes in Italian treatments...the truth is though, I went to Napa just before I left for Italy and I wasn't that thrilled about the area. My brother RJ and his fiance Daniella have said I can stay with them in Austin for awhile...despite the gruelling Texas summers, I would love to do this...but I can't interview in SB easily and I can't get unemployment if I leave the state. My mom also said I can stay with her in Wyoming for a few months if I want...would love to...but same issue...not easy to apply to jobs in SB this way.

A couple of spas here in Italy said they might hire me, but I don't want to do that. Lastly I have become very passionate about and motivated to learn more Italian. So I have connected with SBCC about being a student and studying abroad in Italy starting this summer or fall.

Honestly...and I know this will surprise you about me....but...I have a bigger plan. I won't go into too much detail, but since being here in Italy I have been inspired by the women I have met who are travelling like myself, experiencing life, working out life and just seeking a sort of therapy. I would like to start a business promoting women doing this; I have good business model in my mind, good contacts and resources and have had a couple of great conversations with people here in Italy that I would partner with to make this happen. This "little plan" of mine is very ideal of course...I would get to be in Tuscany and SB and I would be doing something that brings me so much joy. This is in the very, very beginning stages of what I am thinking and I don't know where I will go from here...I mean, let's be real...I am broke, no savings, little income... For now I am just trying to enjoy the rest of my time here.

So...I hope that answers your questions regarding "Now what?" I would appreciate counsel, advice and prayers on this of course!

1 commento:

Maggie Lang ha detto...

I want you back HERE. but u are allowed to leave on occasion to getta change of scenery.